「Cryptography-MIT6875」: Lecture 7
It is indeed possible for $F(x)$ to leak a lot of information about $x$ even if $F$ is one-way.
The hardcore predicate $B(x)$ represent the specific piece of information about $x$ which is hard to compute given $F(x)$.
Topics Covered:
- Definition of one-way functions (OWF)
- Definition of hardcore bit/predicate (HCB)
- One-way permutations → PRG.
(In fact, one-way functions → PRG, but that’s a much harder theorem.) - Goldreich-Levin Theorem: every OWF has a HCB.
(Proof for an important special case.)
One-way Functions
Informally, one-way function is easy to compute and hard to invert.

In last blog, we introduced briefly the definition of One-way functions.
Take 1 (Not a useful definition):
A function (family) $\{F_n\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$ where $F_n:\{0,1\}^n\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{m(n)}$ is one-way if for every p.p.t. adversary $A$, there is a negligible function $\mu$ s.t.
$$ \operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;y=F_n(x):A(1^n,y)=x]\le \mu(n) $$Consider $F_n(x)=0$ for all $x$.
This is one-way according to the above definition. But it’s impossible to find the inverse even if $A$ has unbounded time.
The probability of guessing the inverse of $0$ is negligible since it is essentially random. But $f(x)=0$ is not one-way function obviously.
Hence, it’s not a useful or meaningful definition.
The right definition should be that it is impossible to find an inverse in p.p.t. rather than the exactly chosen $x$.
I’m not going to ask the adversary to come up with $x$ itself which may be impossible.
Instead, I’m just going to ask the adversary to come up with an $x’$ such that $y$ is equal to $F(x’)$. It’s sort of the pre-image of $y$.
Hence, the adversary can always find an inverse with unbounded time.
But it should be hard with probabilistic polynomial time.
Moreover, One-way Permutations are one-to-one one-way functions with $m(n)=n$.
Hardcore Bits
If $F$ is a one-way function, it’s hard to compute a pre-image of $F(x)$ for a randomly chosen $x$.
How about computing partial information about an inverse ?
We saw in last blog that we can tell efficiently if $h$ is quadratic residue.
So for the discrete log function $x=\operatorname{dlog}_g(h)$, computing the least significant bit(LSB) of $x$ is easy.
But MSB turns out to be hard.
Moreover, there are one-way functions for which it is easy to compute the first half of the bits of the inverse.
Nevertheless, there has to be a hardcore set of hard to invert inputs.
Concretely, dose there necessarily exist some bit of $x$ that is hard to compute ?
Particularly, “hard to compute” means “hard to guess with probability non-negligibly better than 1/2” since any bit can be guessed correctly with probability 1/2.
So dose there necessarily exist some bit of $x$ that is hard to guess with probability non-negligibly better than 1/2 ?
Hardcore Bit Def
Hardcore Bit Definition (Take 1):
For any function (family) $F:\{0,1\}^n\rightarrow \{0,1\}^m$ , a bit $i=i(n)$ is hardcore if for every p.p.t. adversary $A$, there is a negligible function $\mu$ s.t.
$$ \operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;y=F(x):A(y)=x_i]\le 1/2 +\mu(n) $$The definition says that it is hard to guess the $i$-th bit of the inverse given the $y$.
I mentioned above that there are one-way functions for which it is easy to compute the first half of the bits of the inverse.
Moreover, there are functions that are one-way, yet every bit is somewhat easy to predict with probability $\frac{1}{2}+1/n$.
Although the entire inverse of $f(x)$ is hard to compute, it is indeed possible for $f(x)$ to leak a lot of information about $x$ even if $f$ is one-way.
Hardcore Predicate Def
So, we generalize the notion of a hardcore “bit”.
We define hardcore predicate to identify a specific piece of information about $x$ that is “hidden” by $f(x)$.
Informally, a hardcore predicate of a one-way function $f(x)$ is hard to compute given $f(x)$.
The definition says that a hardcore predicate $B(x)$ of a one-way function $f(x)$ is hard to compute with probability non-negligibly better than $1/2$ given $f(x)$ since the predicate $B(x)$ is a boolean function that can be computed with probability $1/2$.
Besides, this is perfectly consistent with the fact that the entire inverse is actually hard to compute. Otherwise, you can compute $B(x)$.
Henceforth, for us, a hardcore bit will mean a hardcore predicate.
We can represent the definition by the following picture.

It’s easy to compute the one-way function $F(x)$ given $x$.
It’s easy to compute the hardcore predicate $B(x)$ of $F(x)$ given $x$.
But it’s hard to compute $B(x)$ given $F(x)$.
We know that it is indeed possible for $F(x)$ to leak a lot of information about $x$ even if $F$ is one-way.
Hence, the hardcore predicate $B(x)$ represent the specific piece of information about $x$ which is hard to compute given $F(x)$.
One-way Permutations → PRG
In this section, we show that One-way Permutations imply PRG.
The construction is as follows:
PRG Construction from OWP:
Let $F$ be a one-way permutation, and $B$ an associated hardcore predicate for $F$.
Then, define $G(x)=F(x)||B(x)$.
Note: $G$ stretches by one bit. We can turn this into a $G’$ that stretches to any poly. number of bits from PRG Length Extension.
$G$ is a PRG assuming $F$ is a one-way permutation.
Proof (using NBU):
The thing we want to prove is that if $F$ is a one-way permutation and $B$ is the hardcore predicate for $F$, then $G(x)=F(x)||B(x)$ is a PRG.
We prove it using next-bit unpredictability.
Assume for contradiction that $G$ is not a PRG.
Therefore, there is a next-bit predictor $D$, and index $i$, and a polynomial function $p$ such that
$\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;y=G(x):D(y_1\dots y_{i-1})=y_i]\ge \frac{1}{2}+1/p(n)$If we want to get the contradiction to $B(x)$, the index $i$ has to be $n+1$.
$\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;y=G(x):D(y_1\dots y_{n})=y_{n+1}]\ge \frac{1}{2}+1/p(n)$
(Because the $G(x)=F(x)||B(x)$ where $F(x)$ is $n$-bit and $B(x)$ is $1$-bit.)Then we can construct a hardcore bit (predicate) predictor from $D$.
$\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;y=G(x):D(F(x))=B(x)]\ge \frac{1}{2}+1/p(n)$
In fact, $D$ is a hardcore predictor.QED.
Proof (using Indistinguishability):
We can also prove it using indistinguishability.
Assume for contradiction that $G$ is not a PRG.
$$ \begin{aligned}\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;y=G(x):D(y)=1] &- \\ \operatorname{Pr}[y\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{n+1}:D(y)] &\ge 1/p(n)\end{aligned} $$
Therefore, there is a p.p.t. distinguisher $D$, and a polynomial function $p$ such thatWe construct a hardcore predictor $A$ and show:
$$ \begin{aligned}\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n:A(F(x))=B(x)]\ge \frac{1}{2}+1/p'(n)\end{aligned} $$What information can we learn from the distinguisher $D$ ?
Rewrite $y$ in the first term by definition.
$$ \begin{aligned}\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;y=\color{blue}{F(x)||B(x)}:D(y)=1] &- \\\operatorname{Pr}[y\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{n+1}:D(y)=1]&\ge 1/p(n)\end{aligned} $$Rewrite the second term by a syntactic change.
$$ \begin{aligned}\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;y=F(x)||B(x):D(y)=1]&-\\ \operatorname{Pr}[{\color{blue}{y_0\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{n},y_1\leftarrow \{0,1\}},y=y_0||y_1}:D(y)=1] &\ge 1/p(n)\end{aligned} $$Rewire the second term since $F$ is one-way permutation.
$$ \begin{aligned}\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;y=F(x)||B(x):D(y)=1]&-\\ \operatorname{Pr}[{\color{blue}{x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{n},y_1\leftarrow \{0,1\},y=F(x)||y_1}}:D(y)=1] &\ge 1/p(n)\end{aligned} $$ Rewrite the second term since $\operatorname{Pr}[y_1=0]=\operatorname{Pr}[y_1=0]=1/2$.
$$ \begin{aligned}\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;y=F(x)||B(x):D(y)=1] &-\\ \frac{\operatorname{Pr}[{x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{n},\color{blue}{y=F(x)||0}}:D(y)=1]+\operatorname{Pr}[{x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{n},\color{blue}{y=F(x)||1}}:D(y)=1]}{2} &\ge 1/p(n)\end{aligned} $$Rewrite the second term using $B(x)$.
$$ \begin{aligned}\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;y=F(x)||B(x):D(y)=1] &-\\ \frac{\operatorname{Pr}[{x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{n},\color{blue}{y=F(x)||B(x)}}:D(y)=1]+\operatorname{Pr}[{x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{n},\color{blue}{y=F(x)||\overline{B(x)}}}:D(y)=1]}{2} &\ge 1/p(n)\end{aligned} $$Putting thins together.
$$ \begin{aligned}\frac{1}{2}(\operatorname{Pr}[{x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{n},\color{blue}{y=F(x)||B(x)}}:D(y)=1] &- \\ \operatorname{Pr}[{x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{n},\color{blue}{y=F(x)||\overline{B(x)}}}:D(y)=1]) &\ge 1/p(n)\end{aligned} $$
- The takeaway is that $D$ says 1 more often when fed with the “right bit” than the “wrong bit”.
Construct a hardcore bit predictor $A$ from the distinguisher $D$ using the takeaway.
The task of $A$ is get as input $z=F(x)$ and try to guess the hardcore predicate.
The predictor works as follows:
$$ \begin{aligned}A(F(x))=\begin{cases} b,& \text{if }D(F(x)||b)=1\\ \overline{b},& \text{otherwise}\end{cases},b\leftarrow\{0,1\} \end{aligned} $$- Pick a random bit $b$.
- Feed $D$ with input $z||b$
- If $D$ says “1”, output $b$ as the prediction for the hardcore bit and if $D$ says “0”, output $\overline{b}$.
Analysis of the predictor $A$.
- $\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow {0,1}^n:A(F(x))=B(x)]$
- $A$ output $b=B(x)$ or $\overline{b}=B(x)$. $\begin{aligned} =\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow\{0,1\}^n:D(F(x)||b)=1 \color{blue}{\wedge b=B(x)}] + \\ \operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow\{0,1\}^n:D(F(x)||b)=0 \color{blue}{\wedge b\ne B(x)}]& \\\end{aligned}$ $\begin{aligned}=\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow\{0,1\}^n:D(F(x)||b)=1 \mid b=B(x)]\operatorname{Pr}[b=B(x)]& + \\ \operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow\{0,1\}^n:D(F(x)||b)=0 \mid b\ne B(x)]\operatorname{Pr}[b\ne B(x)]& \end{aligned}$
- Since $b$ is random.
$\begin{aligned}=\color{blue}{\frac{1}{2}}(\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow{0,1}^n:D(F(x)||b)=1 \mid b=B(x)]& + \ \operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow{0,1}^n:D(F(x)||b)=0 \mid b\ne B(x)]&) \end{aligned}$ - Put the prior condition in it.$\begin{aligned}=\frac{1}{2}(\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow\{0,1\}^n:D(F(x)||\color{blue}{B(x)})=1]& + \\ \operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow\{0,1\}^n:D(F(x)||\color{blue}{\overline{B(x)}})=0 ) \end{aligned}$ $\begin{aligned}=\frac{1}{2}(\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow\{0,1\}^n:D(F(x)||\color{blue}{B(x)})=1]& + \\ 1-\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow\{0,1\}^n:D(F(x)||\color{blue}{\overline{B(x)}})=1 ) \end{aligned}$
- From the takeaway, we can get
$=\frac{1}{2}(1+(*))\ge \frac{1}{2} + 1/p(n)$ - So the $A$ can predict the hardcore bit (predicate) with probability non-negligible better than $1/2$.
Goldreich-Levin Theorem: every OWF has a HCB.
A Universal Hardcore Predicate for all OWF
We have defined the hardcore predicate $B(x)$ for the particular one-way function $F(x)$.
Let’s shoot for a universal hardcore predicate for every one-way function, i.e., a single predicate $B$ where it is hard to guess $B(x)$ given $F(x)$.
Is this possible ?
Turns out the answer is “no”.
Pick a favorite amazing $B$. We can construct a one-way function $F$ which $B$ is not hardcore.
Goldreich-Levin(GL) Theorem
But Goldreich-Levin(GL) Theorem changes the statement to a random hardcore and tells us every one-way function has a hardcore predicate/bit.
It defines a collection of predicates ${B_r:{0,1}^n\rightarrow {0,1}}$ indexed by $r$, a $n$-bit vector. So the evaluation of $B_r(x)$ is essentially an inner product of $r$ and $x$ (mod 2).
The definition says that a random $B_r$ is hardcore for every one-way funciton $F$.
So it picks a random $x$ and a random $r$.
For every p.p.t. adversary $A$, it is hard to compute $B_r(x)$ given $F(x)$ and $r$.
Alternative Interpretations to GL Theorem
There are some alternative interpretations to GL Theorem.
Alternative Interpretation 1:
For every one-way function $F$, there is a related one-way function $F’(x,r)=(F(x),r)$ which has a deterministic hardcore predicate.
For every one-way function $F$, you can change it to a related one-way function $F’(x,r)=(F(x),r)$. Although $F’$ leak the second half of bits, $F’$ is one-way.
Then $F’$has a deterministic hardcore predicate $B(x,r)=\langle x,r \rangle\pmod 2$.
$B(x,r)$ is a fixed function, which performs an inner-product mod 2 between the first half and the second half of the inputs.
Hence, in this interpretation, GL Theorem says that $B$ is not a hardcore bit for every OWF, but it’s a hardcore bit for the related function, which we created it from the OWF.
Moreover, if $F(x)$ is one-way permutation, then $F’(x,r)=(F(x),r)$ is one-way permutation.
And we can get a PRG from $F’(x,r)$. Then $G(x,r)=F(x)||r||\langle x,r\rangle$ where the last bit is the hardcore bit.
Alternative Interpretation 2:
For every one-way function $F$, there exists (non-uniformly) a (possibly different) hardcore predicate $\langle r_F,x\rangle$.
Proof of GL Theorem
Assume for contradiction there is a predictor $P$ and a polynomial $p$ s.t.
$\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow {0,1}^n;r\leftarrow {0,1}^n:P(F(x),r)=\langle r,x\rangle]\ge\frac{1}{2} +p(n)$
We need to show an inverter $A$ for $F$ and a polynomial $p’$ such that
$\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow {0,1}^n:A(F(x))=x’:F(x’)=F(x)]\ge 1/p’(n)$
But it is too hard to prove this contradiction.
Let’s make our lives easier.
A Perfect Predicator
For simplicity, we assume a perfect predicator.
Assume a perfect predictor:
Assume a perfect predictor $P$, which can completely predicte the HCB correctly, s.t.
$\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;r\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n:P(F(x),r)=\langle r,x\rangle]=1$Now we can construct an inverter $A$ for $F$.
The inverter $A$ works as follows:
On input $y=F(x)$, $A$ runs the predictor $P$ $n$ times on input $(y, e_1),(y,e_2),\dots,$and $(y,e_n)$ where $e_1=100..0,e_2=010..0,\dots$ are the unit vectors.
Since $A$ is perfect, it returns $\langle e_i,x\rangle=x_i$, the $i$-th bit of $x$ on the $i$-th invocation.
A Pretty Good Predictor
Then we assume less.
Assume a pretty good predictor:
- Assume a pretty good predictor $P$, s.t. $\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;r\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n:P(F(x),r)=\langle r,x\rangle]\ge \frac{3}{4} + 1/p(n)$
- What can we learn from the predictor ?
For at least a $1/2p(n)$ fraction of the $x$,
$\operatorname{Pr}[r\leftarrow {0,1}^n:P(F(x),r)=\langle r,x\rangle]\ge \frac{3}{4} + 1/2p(n)$
Before that, let’s introduce averaging argument.
In computational complexity theory and cryptography, averaging argument is a standard argument for proving theorems. It usually allows us to convert probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms into non-uniform polynomial-size circuits.
The claim tells us if $\operatorname{Pr}_{x,y}[C(x,y)=f(x)]\ge \rho$, then there exist some $y_0$ such that $\operatorname{Pr}_x[C(x,y_0)=f(x)]\ge \rho$ as well.
So we can single out these $y_0$ using averaging argument.
Actually, I think the equation, $\operatorname{Pr}_{x,y}[C(x,y)=f(x)]=\mathbb{E}_y[p_y]$, is the manifestation of averaging.
Some analysis to $\operatorname{Pr}_{x,y}[C(x,y)=f(x)]=\mathbb{E}_y[p_y]$:
- By definition of $p_y$
- $y$ is a variable and $p_y$ is a variable.
- By definition, $p_y$ is up to $y$.
- So the distribution of $p_y$ is equal to the distribution of $y$.
- Expand the left term.
$\operatorname{Pr}_{x,y}[C(x,y)=f(x)]=\sum _i \operatorname{Pr}_x[C(x,y_i)=f(x)]\operatorname{Pr}[y=y_i]$ - The right term is the expected value of variable $p_y$.
- $\mathbb{E}_y[p_y] = \sum_i p_{y_i} \cdot \operatorname{Pr}[p_y=p_{y_i}]$
- Because the distribution of $p_y$ is equal to the distribution of $y$.
$\operatorname{Pr}[p_y=p_{y_0}]=\operatorname{Pr}[y={y_0}]$ - So, $\mathbb{E}_y[p_y] = \sum_i p_{y_i} \cdot \operatorname{Pr}[y=y_i]$
- = the left term.
Now back to the claim.
Proof of the Claim :
What can we learn from the claim?
- What do we know from the predictor ?
- We know $\operatorname{Pr}_{x,r}[P(F(x),r)=\langle r,x\rangle]\ge \frac{3}{4} + 1/p(n)$.
- For every $x$, define $p_x=\operatorname{Pr}_r[P(F(x),r)=\langle r,x\rangle]$.
- By averaging argument,
- We know there exists some $x$ such that $p_x\ge \frac{3}{4} + 1/p(n)$.
- We know $\operatorname{Pr}_{x,r}[P(F(x),r)=\langle r,x\rangle]=\mathbb{E}[p_x]$ by averaging argument.
- So we know the lower bound of $\mathbb{E}[p_x]$ (expected value of $p_x$) is $\frac{3}{4} + 1/p(n)$.
- What do we really want ?
- We want to single out these $x$ such that $p_x$ is non-negligibly better than $\frac{3}{4}$ in (probabilistic) polynomial time.
- So we want a set of $x$, which the fraction is polynomial , for every $x$ in the set, the $p_x$ is non-negligibly better than $\frac{3}{4}$.
- We show the fraction and the (lower bound of ) probability are related.
- Notation
- $\epsilon$ define the lower bound of $\mathbb{E}[p_x]$, i.e. $\epsilon =\frac{3}{4} + 1/p(n)$.
- Define a good set of $x$ as $S$ and $s$ denotes the poly. fraction of the $x$. ($|S|=s\cdot 2^n$). $S=\{x\mid p_x \ge \varepsilon' \}$
where $\varepsilon’$ denotes the lower bound of $p_x$ for every $x\in S$, non-negligibly better than $\frac{3}{4}$.
- Rewrite $\mathbb{E}[p_x]$ using $s$ and $\varepsilon$.
- $p_x= \begin{cases} \varepsilon' \le p_x\le 1,& x\in S \\ 0\le p_x \le \varepsilon',& x\notin S \end{cases}$
- Similarly, $p_x$ is up to $x$.
Hence, the distribution of $p_x$ is equal to the distribution of $x$, i.e.$\operatorname{Pr}[p_x]=\operatorname{Pr}[x]$ - $\mathbb{E}[p_x] = \sum p_x \cdot \operatorname{Pr}[p_x]=\sum p_x \cdot \operatorname{Pr}[x]$
- $=\sum p_x \cdot \operatorname{Pr}[x\in S] + \sum p_x \cdot \operatorname{Pr}[x\notin S]$
- $=\sum p_x \cdot s + \sum p_x \cdot (1-s)$
- We do not know the actual $p_x$ but we know the boundary of $p_x$.
- Calculate the boundary of $\mathbb{E}[p_x]$ using $s$ and $\varepsilon$.
- $\mathbb{E}[p_x] =\sum p_x \cdot s + \sum p_x \cdot (1-s)$
- The lower bound is $\varepsilon’ \cdot s + 0\cdot (1-s)=\varepsilon’ \cdot s$ (useless)
- The upper bound is $1\cdot s + \varepsilon’ \cdot (1-s)=s+\varepsilon’ (1-s)$ (useful)
- We get the relation of $s$ and $\varepsilon’$.
- $\epsilon \le s+\varepsilon’ (1-s)$
- $\frac{\epsilon-s}{1-s}\le \varepsilon’$ (since $s<1$)
- Take $\epsilon$ with $\frac{3}{4} + 1/p(n)$.
- We want the fraction $s$ to be polynomial.
- Suppose the fraction $s=1/2p(n)$.
We can get $\varepsilon’ \ge \epsilon -s = \frac{3}{4} +1/2p(n)$. (since $1-s$ is very small). - We can also suppose the fraction $s=1/3p(n)$ and so on.
- The point I want to elucidate here is the fraction $s$ and the lower bound of $p_x$ for every $x\in S$ can both be polynomial if the advantage of predicting is non-negligible.
- Hence, the takeaway is if the probability of predicting is non-negligibly better than $3/4$, then we can single out these “good $x$ ”in (probabilistic) polynomial time.
- Similarly, if the probability of predicting is non-negligibly better than $1/2$ (the predictor in general case), we can also single out these “good $x$ ” in (probabilistic) polynomial time.
We get the takeaway that if the probability of predicting is non-negligibly better than $3/4$, then we can single out these “good $x$ ” in (probabilistic) polynomial time.
Invert the i-th bit:
Now we can compute the $i$-th bit of $x$ with the probability better than $1/2$.
The key idea is linearity.- Pick a random $r$
- Ask $P$ to tell us $\langle r,x\rangle$ and $\langle r+e_i,x \rangle$.
- Subtract the two answers to get $\langle e_i,x\rangle =x_i$
Proof of invert $i$-th bit:
$\operatorname{Pr}[\text{we compute }x_i \text{ correctly}]$
$\ge \operatorname{Pr}[P \text{ predicts }\langle r,x \rangle \text{ and }\langle r+e_i,x \rangle \text{ correctly}]$
$=1-\operatorname{Pr}[P \text{ predicts }\langle r,x \rangle \text{ or }\langle r+e_i,x \rangle \text{ wrong}]$
$\ge1-\operatorname{Pr}[P \text{ predicts }\langle r,x \rangle \text{ wrong}]\text{ + } \operatorname{Pr}[P \text{ predicts }\langle r+e_i,x \rangle \text{ wrong}]$
(by union bound)$\ge 1 - 2\cdot (\frac{1}{4} -\frac{1}{2p(n)})=\frac{1}{2}+1/p(n)$
Invert the entire x:
- Construct the Inverter $A$
- Repeat for each bit $i\in{1,2,\dots, n}$:
- Repeat $p(n) \cdot p(n)$ times:
(one $p(n)$ is for singling out, and another is for computing correctly)- Pick a random $r$
- Ask $P$ to tell us $\langle r,x\rangle$ and $\langle r+e_i,x \rangle$.
- Subtract the two answers to get $\langle e_i,x\rangle =x_i$
- Compute the majority of all such guesses and set the bit as $x_i$.
- Repeat $p(n) \cdot p(n)$ times:
- Output the concatenation of all $x_i$ as $x$.
- Repeat for each bit $i\in{1,2,\dots, n}$:
- Analysis of $A$ is ommited.
Hint: Chernoff + Union Bound.
A General Predictor
Let’s proceed to a general predictor, which is in the foremost contradiction.
Assume a general good predictor:
Assume there is a predictor $P$ and a polynomial $p$ s.t.
$\operatorname{Pr}[x\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n;r\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n:P(F(x),r)=\langle r,x\rangle]\ge\frac{1}{2} +p(n)$Likewise, there is a similar claim.
For at least a $1/2p(n)$ fraction of the $x$,
$\operatorname{Pr}[r\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n:P(F(x),r)=\langle r,x\rangle]\ge \frac{1}{2} + 1/2p(n)$The takeaway is that probability of predicting is non-negligibly better than $1/2$ , we can single out these “good $x$ ” in (probabilistic) polynomial time.
However, we cannot invert the $i$-th bit of $x$ with the probability better than $1/2$ using the above method.
Analysis of Inverting $x_i$: (error doubling)
(For at least $1/2p(n)$ fraction of the $x$)
If the probability of predicting $\langle r,x\rangle$ correctly is non-negligibly better than $3/4 + 1/2p(n)$, i.e.
$\operatorname{Pr}[r\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n:P(F(x),r)=\langle r,x\rangle]\ge \frac{3}{4} + 1/2p(n)$$\operatorname{Pr}[\text{we compute }x_i \text{ correctly}]$
$\ge \operatorname{Pr}[P \text{ predicts }\langle r,x \rangle \text{ and }\langle r+e_i,x \rangle \text{ correctly}]$
$=1-\operatorname{Pr}[P \text{ predicts }\langle r,x \rangle \text{ or }\langle r+e_i,x \rangle \text{ wrong}]$
$\ge1-\operatorname{Pr}[P \text{ predicts }\langle r,x \rangle \text{ wrong}]\text{ + } \operatorname{Pr}[P \text{ predicts }\langle r+e_i,x \rangle \text{ wrong}]$
$\ge 1 - \color {blue}{2\cdot(\frac{1}{4} -\frac{1}{2p(n)})}=\frac{1}{2}+1/p(n)$
So it can compute $x_i$ with advantage $1/p(n)$.
If the probability of predicting $\langle r,x\rangle$ correctly is exactly $3/4$, i.e.
$\operatorname{Pr}[r\leftarrow \{0,1\}^n:P(F(x),r)=\langle r,x\rangle]\ge \frac{3}{4}$$\operatorname{Pr}[\text{we compute }x_i \text{ correctly}]$
$\ge 1 - \color{blue} {2\cdot(\frac{1}{4})}=1/2$
It is unlikely to compute $x_i$ since it’s the same with random.
If the probability of predicting $\langle r,x\rangle$ correctly is non-negligibly better than $1/2 + 1/2p(n)$, i.e.
$\operatorname{Pr}[r\leftarrow {0,1}^n:P(F(x),r)=\langle r,x\rangle]\ge \frac{1}{2} + 1/2p(n)$$\operatorname{Pr}[\text{we compute }x_i \text{ correctly}]$
$\ge 1 - \color{blue} {2\cdot(\frac{1}{2} -\frac{1}{2p(n)})}=1/p(n)$
It cannot compute $x_i$.
The problem above is that it doubles the original error probability of predicting, i.e. $1-2\cdot(*)$.
When the probability of error is significantly smaller than $1/4$, the “error-doubling” phenomenon raises no problem.
However, in general case (and even in special case where the error probability is exactly $1/4$), the procedure is unlikely to compute $x_i$.
Hence, what is required is an alternative way of using the predictor $P$, which dose not double the original error probability of $P$.
The complete proof is referred in Goldreich Book Part 1, Section 2.5.2.
The key idea is pairwise independence.
The Coding-Theoretic View of GL
$x\rightarrow (\langle x,r\rangle )_{r\in{0,1}^n}$ can be viewed as a highly redundant, exponentially long encoding of $x$ = the Hadamard code.
$P(F(x),r)$ can be thought of as providing access to a noisy codeword.
What we proved = unique decoding algorithm for Hadamard code with error rate $\frac{1}{4}-1/p(n)$.
The real proof = list-decoding algorithm for Hadamard code with error rate rate $\frac{1}{2}-1/p(n)$.
「Cryptography-MIT6875」: Lecture 7